XH Editor
0.5.0 b (mac) first release of XH Editor
0.5.1 b (mac) corrected two typos in user interface
0.5.1 b (win) first release of XH Editor for windows
0.5.2 b (mac) removed a bug which could save a wrong value in the Noise Reduction 2
0.5.2 b (all) can convert presets from the XL H1 now
0.5.2 b (all) if a corrupted preset is opened the saved output is now a valid preset
0.5.3 b (mac) will allow spaces now in the internal filenames
0.5.3 b (win) removed a bug in the windows version which could make an preset unreadable
0.5.4 b (all) added possibility to enter the values directly with numbers.
0.5.4 b (all) added a new reset function (resets the preset application to default).
0.5.4 b (all) added menus and shortcuts for open and save and the new reset function.
0.5.4 b (win) removed the cosmetic but anoying -0 bug.
0.5.4 b (mac) added a "beep on input" function (can be toggled on and off)
gives audio feedback if a value is changed directly by number input.
0.5.5 b (all) added a button for resetting
0.5.5 b (all) added support for a few more special characters in internal preset names,
which are allowed in the camcorder too. ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - [ ] { }
Not alowed are \ | : ; , " ' < > ? / normally it is not possible to type them with the editor.
If by any accident you get one of theese characters, you have to delete them
from the internal preset name before you try to use the preset in the camcorder.
XHL1 Editor
0.5.1 b (mac) first release of XHL1 Editor
0.5.1 b (win) first release of XLH1 Editor for windows
0.5.2 b (mac) removed a bug which could save a wrong value in the Noise Reduction 2
0.5.2 b (all) can convert presets from the A1/G1 now
0.5.2 b (all) if a corrupted preset is opened the saved output is now a valid preset
0.5.3 b (mac) will allow spaces now in the internal filenames
0.5.3 b (win) removed a bug in the windows version which could make an preset unreadable
0.5.4 b (all) changed the filelength of the saved presets to 39 bytes
0.5.5 b (all) added possibility to enter the values directly with numbers.
0.5.5 b (all) added a new reset function (resets the preset application to default).
0.5.5 b (all) added menus and shortcuts for open and save and the new reset function.
0.5.5 b (win) removed the cosmetic but anoying -0 bug.
0.5.5 b (mac) added a "beep on input" function (can be toggled on and off)
gives audio feedback if a value is changed directly by number input.
0.5.6 b (all) added a button for resetting
0.5.6 b (all) added support for a few more special characters in internal preset names,
which are allowed in the camcorder too. ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - [ ] { }
Not alowed are \ | : ; , " ' < > ? / normally it is not possible to type them with the editor.
If by any accident you get one of theese characters, you have to delete them
from the internal preset name before you try to use the preset in the camcorder.